Themes offer a great new way to customize individual Formstone components. The structure and style concerns are now split into different files, allowing developers to easily develop new themes. Formstone includes a flat, Material-inspired theme, fs-light
, to give developers a jump start on styling each component.
Including Themes
Theme styles will need to be included for a theme to render properly. Themes should be included after any base component styles:
<link href="/components/formstone/dist/css/component.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/components/formstone/dist/css/themes/fs-light.css" rel="stylesheet">
Defining Themes
Themes are styles that are applied via a class name. Simply pass the target class name as the theme
parameter when initializing a plugin:
theme: "large_carousel"
The theme class name is applied to the target component, providing a way to write specific styles based on the existing component structure:
.large_carousel .fs-carousel-item {
.large_carousel .fs-carousel-controls {
Multiple themes can be applied at once by combining theme class names (separated by a single space). This allows developers to mix and match different theme styles depending on the use case:
theme: "full_carousel large_carousel_controls small_carousel_pagination"